challenge fit my life

making this challenge fit life

Making this challenge fit life was paramount. Each work took an hour to paint followed by video edit and upload for a combined four hours.

More colourful paintings demanded more time and those with less required less. Results I liked was important, too.

For today’s work of the Kyeburn Diggings Danseys Pass, I set out to show the mystery of the clagged in mountains.

Light and dark contrast again was my main tool. I considered expanding my limited palette with a touch of lemon yellow in the highlights. A trace of lemon yellow in titanium white highlights can increase the intensity. I kept my choices minimal so I could achieve the contrast I desired without the extra yellow.

What a great weekend relaxing at home and looking at my five completed challenge paintings.

Be sure to watch the time-lapse video below.

Click to learn about more the challenge paintings

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