Screwing up helped my creativity

Surprisingly, I’ve found that screwing up helped my  creativity, along with trying to embrace the chaos in my construction-site home.

Much of the chaos stemmed from the upset of schedules and life in general from ripping up our floors. Accepting the chaos helped me flourish.

Indeed, it seems to me that most of life transpires while I’m waiting for the “I’ll be happy when”. No doubt, I do look forward to finishing my home remodel.  However, I also know getting there soon requires me to be on the working end of a paint brush.

Choosing joy midst the craziness

Early on in the build, I decided to remain joyful and try to appreciate this onerous chapter of my life. This is difficult but not impossible.

Our stuff formerly in Bill’s office, the bathroom, the laundry, toilet, and two hall cupboards, is now stacked and piled in our lounge-dining area.

The living room refurbishment, slated for early floor replacement, had to be postponed. Because we thought it would be one of the first rooms worked on, carpet was ripped up and our furniture shoved into the far corner.

Perfect storm for incredible fun

We’re left with a big empty rimu floor, and two office chairs. On wheels.

This may sound really inane, but, we’ve had a blast! Nestled in our respective office chairs, we warm up next to the fire, listening to Pat Metheny tunes, eating our evening meal, talking, lots of talking. Bill marks and few school papers whilst I read War and Peace and finalise building plans. 

And, then…we zip around on our office chairs because, well…because we can.  And, most likely, will never again have the “perfect storm” in which to do such quirky things.

With everything stacked around us, and doing life in the middle of a construction site, we’ve decided being precious right is futile. So, a bit of frivolity it is!

Screwing up helped my creativity

How does this relate to art? 

For one, I’ve abandoned being precious in the studio for now.

My mark making takes off in all kinds of directions. Oh, no! Did I make a mistake? No worries. It will be alright. I stay in the moment. Much like zipping across the bare lounge floor in my office chair. It’s fun. I could mess up the work. Or, perhaps, make it completely amazing. It’s not important.  Embracing chaos and screwing up are the principal aims.

The point is to make the most of the work is at that particular moment, and to release my inhibitions.

I can hardly wait to show you how this abandonment of propriety and preciousness is manifesting itself in my studio.

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