I’m giving my new work pizzazz so I’m using pigment ink in this fourth session of creating, ‘Red Playground-Finish what you started’, which is inspired by an earlier work, ‘Can Red Come Out to Play VII.’
adding pigment ink to enhance design
In order to differ the ink design from the earlier work, rather than simply outlining shapes with Inktense, I use pigment ink pen to create patterns to influence contrast and direction in the derivative piece.
Pigment ink for balance and direction
Pointers were added because the strong patterns created with alternating rows of Inktense didn’t give direction to all four quadrants of the diptych.
To better balance the contrast of the rows I drew patterns in the light coloured bands. Finally, to give the right side a bit more balance and direction, I drew more pointers and design with a chisel point pigment ink pen.
How pigment ink changed the work
This changed the work from something nice and gentle to one that is quite confrontational, which is something I had not planned. However, one purpose of my new artistic journey is to to go in unplanned directions. Click here to go to my video on YouTube or click on the video box above. I reveal more of my thought process and decision in making this work.
The next and final session, I will ensure the two sides can have a conversation with one another because I do want them to be cohesive.